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Idaho Gives

Published online: Apr 22, 2020 Articles, CommuniTeam
Viewed 5232 time(s)

Are you looking for a simple way to get involved in your community? There are plenty of organizations in need of help right now. COVID-19 has stripped many of their livelihoods, but we can rebuild. We always do. 

A great way to help nonprofits is through donating during the time period assigned statewide by Idaho Gives. Idaho Gives is an annual event that draws the attention of thousands seeking to give back to their communities. Through giving to a nonprofit through Idaho Gives, you help that organization to be able to continue forward with their invaluable services.

Q: What is Idaho Gives?

A: Idaho Gives is a program that unites nonprofits from across the state, placing them in an easy to search platform for potential donors. Idaho Gives promotes time periods for organizations to donate to nonprofits, giving nonprofits more visibility on a statewide level.

Q: When will Idaho Gives take place?

A: Because of COVID-19 the dates for Idaho Gives have been extended! The event will be taking place from April 23 to May 7, 2020. Make sure to go online to and give as much as you can during this time period.

Q: Who can participate? 

A: Everyone. This event is for nonprofits and donors alike. 

Q: So, what is this about prizes? 

A: Additional prizes are given to nonprofits  based on a variety of markers, including their participation in various trainings and amount of donations made by the public to their organization.

For more information about Idaho Gives, visit

Click here to read more of Idaho Falls Magazine's May issue. 


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