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Portneuf Lab Rolls Up Their Sleeves

Published online: May 18, 2020 Articles
Viewed 3055 time(s)

POCATELLO – Usually, it is the lab technician who asks you to roll up your sleeve to give a sample of blood. This time, it was the lab staff who rolled up their sleeves to meet the gallon challenge. Nine donors successful donated pints of blood and those who were unable to donate supported their team members.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, life’s emergencies don’t stop and neither does the work of the American Red Cross. Blood products are essential to community health and the need for blood products is constant. As a designated level II trauma center, Portneuf knows first-hand how donations of blood help save lives. 

“The staff wanted to find ways to give back to the community,” said Dianne Robison, Quality Education and Outreach Coordinator, Portneuf Medical Center Laboratory. “Here at Portneuf, blood is requested daily by our cancer center, our neonatal intensive care unit, for trauma patients in the emergency department, critical heart surgery patients and in the operating rooms.”

Due to shortage of blood, the Portneuf lab team decided to schedule a Gallon Challenge blood donation. It was a great opportunity as some of the employees were first time donors while others donate on a routine basis.

“As healthcare workers, we owe it to our patients and we need to lead by example,” Robison said. “I am proud to be a part of the lab team and I encourage community members to donate. During these uncertain times, it feels good to give back and know that your blood can save a life.”

Individuals are encouraged to keep and or to schedule blood donation appointments and to make new appointments for the weeks ahead to ensure a stable supply. 

As we enter the 100 deadliest days of the year, Memorial Day to Labor Day, the need for blood increases significantly. To schedule visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS



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