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Taylor’s Crossing Offering 100% Online Classes

Charter School modifies COVID plan to add 100% online

Published online: Sep 14, 2020 Articles
Viewed 3059 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS -- Taylor’s Crossing Board held a special meeting today to modify and adapt their COVID re-opening plan to add opportunities for 100% online courses. Over the course of the last month, Taylor’s Crossing has heard of the difficulty for some students and families to return to school. Do to the high demand of online services, many of the online schools, have limited or even maxed out their capacity to help. As such, Taylor’s Crossing Board is stepping up in efforts to help provide this service to the communities they serve.

The school has adopted Edgenuity as their online platform to assist with courses that are being offered. Edgenuity, coupled with IDLA courses will help provide opportunities for us to allow students to do 100% online schooling. We will provide the chance for students and parents to come into the school, register and select the appropriate courses they need to help them along their way in education. Many of our teachers would be responsible for tracking the students along in their online coursework. Edgenuity has a platform in which video presentations are made by certificated teachers using direct instruction which is part of the Harbor Method of teaching. All of the online resources and courses that are being used are approved by the State of Idaho.

“We are extremely happy to offer these services to the communities we serve,” said Administrator Seth H. Boyle, “and we are eager to see what type of response we get from families and students in the area. I think the flexibility we offer with students to go back and forth from online to in person instruction can really benefit families that have concerns about the current COVID crisis.” 

If you are interested in attending Taylor’s Crossing and enrolling in our 100% online school, please contact the school at


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