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Dogs of Downtown

Published online: Oct 26, 2020 Articles Catherine Smith
Viewed 1003 time(s)

Downtown Idaho Falls is the place. It is packed with arts, culture, brunch, gourmet pastries, espresso and handmade drinks, fresh baked goodies daily, local, and organic foods, vegan offerings, boutique shopping and local jewelers. The list goes on and on. 

What may come as a surprise to some is how dog (ahem, pet) friendly our downtown is as well,and how often we have our furry friends enjoying downtown as much as their two-legged humans.

Idaho Falls Downtown Development (IFDDC) has made it our labor of love to document and find every dog on the street downtown and photograph them with their owners. We are not so interested in the human attached to the dog but more so featuring our favorite best friends, learning their names, where they came from and how old they are. We are all probably a little dog-crazy. The joke is really on us. We should probably put the dogs in charge of the remainder of 2020. They can always sniff out the best people and places to eat. 

In all seriousness, we love finding the dogs of downtown out on our sidewalks. We post photos of them each Friday on our social media pages, so be sure to check them out! We might also throw in a mini-pig here and there and sometimes a parrot! You just never know what you will find downtown. 


Click here to read more of the November issue.


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