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Portneuf Medical Center Employee Named ISU Health Sciences Preceptor of the Month

Published online: May 21, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Health
Viewed 3008 time(s)

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Kasiska Division of Health Sciences (KDHS) recently awarded Dianne Robison, Portneuf Medical Center Laboratory Quality Education and Outreach Coordinator, with the KDHS Preceptor of the Month Award.

Dianne has been with Portneuf Medical Center since 1980. In her history with Portneuf, she has served in several different roles. Currently, she oversees student clinical rotations, directs the laboratory quality program, and is the representative for laboratory outreach.

“She always goes above and beyond to advocate for taking ISU students in clinical rotations, effectively schedules each individual student to get the most out of their experience, and mentors students so they are excited about entering the MLS profession,” said Rachel Hulse, ISU Medical Laboratory Science Program Director and Assistant Professor.

“Portneuf Medical Center is proud to have one of our Laboratory members recognized by the ISU KDHS. As a teaching hospital, Portneuf is committed to raising the bar in healthcare while also raising the next generation of leaders and health care professionals,” said Portneuf CEO Jordan Herget.


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