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City of Idaho Falls Launches Second Round of Imagine IF Community Engagement

Published online: Jul 20, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2556 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS – Got an opinion on Idaho Falls’ Future? If so, the City of Idaho Falls Community Development Services Department might just pay you for it.

Earlier this year the City of Idaho Falls Community Development Services Department (CDS) launched a series of in-person and online neighborhood meetings and a community survey to help chart a path for the future of Idaho Falls.  The results from those meetings and surveys are in, and your thoughts on that data just might earn you some extra cash.  

As part of the second round of community engagement for the Imagine IF Plan, CDS has created a follow up survey to the earlier round of online information gathering.  There will also be a live public workshop to review the material already gathered and to provide public comment.  Anyone who takes the survey this time will be entered into a drawing to win one of five $25 gift cards for their time.  

“Our department is grateful for the incredible turnout we had earlier this year on the City-wide survey and neighborhood meetings,” said CDS Director Brad Cramer.  “We hope this second round of engagement will be just as successful, especially as it is a unique opportunity in local government to have a real, meaningful voice in shaping the City’s future.”

The survey can be accessed at and includes 21 questions about City-wide issues.  At the end of those questions, participants will be asked which area they live in and will be directed to up to five more questions which are specific to their neighborhoods.  

In addition to the survey, there will also be a public engagement workshop held on July 27th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers.  Attendees do NOT need to attend the entire time.  The meeting will be an open house format with a short presentation repeated every 30 minutes and an opportunity for the public to review the material and provide comments, as well as ask questions of staff.   

Cramer says the second round of public engagement is an important part of the overall public involvement strategy as the first round of surveys, focus groups, and neighborhood meetings established themes, issues, and a vision for City growth.  The second round is designed to allow citizens to help prioritize the possible actions to address issues raised during round one.  

“This planning process is the first steppingstone in developing policies, codes, and ordinances that will direct how growth and development happens in Idaho Falls,” said Cramer.  “I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that outside of voting for candidates or on important issues, this is one of the most meaningful ways for a citizen of Idaho Falls to influence how their City operates.  The 15-20 minutes it takes to complete the survey or the 30-45 minutes it takes to attend the workshop are critical to this project.”  

To take the survey, see the results of the first round of public engagement, or to learn more about the Imagine IF project, visit of call the Community Development Services Department at 208-612-8799.  


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