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A Community Mental Health Check-in

Idaho Falls residents discuss their mental healthcare tips

Published online: Feb 28, 2022 Articles, Lifestyle
Viewed 2162 time(s)

Every month we post a question or issue for our community to discuss. This month, we asked you to tell us your best tips and tricks for how you take care of your own mental health! We were blown away by the caliber of the responses we received. To participate in next month’s discussion visit Idaho Falls Magazine’s Facebook page or Instagram @idahofallsmag.

Healthy Distractions

When I'm in my head and stressed I do something I know will make me happy and distract me. I have small kids so nap time is my happy time. Exercise helps my mind feel relaxed and my body feel better. After that, I reward myself with a good Disney movie or cleaning. Cleaning with music on is therapeutic for me. Whatever it may be, find something that helps you not think as much.

Going Offline

I take care of myself by unplugging from all the online stuff. I use that time by doing something I enjoy with my family.

Rest & Reset

I prefer a good nap or taking some time to myself.

Letting Go

My tip is to not hold in the stress. Find some way to let it out. Find someone to talk to if needed or take a long bath. Whatever works for you.

Just Breathe

I love taking a quiet minute to myself to breathe and focus on what I want out of the day. Also getting a night out with friends helps me to reset.

Self-Care Comes First

I try to fill my own bucket (self care) before giving to others, that way I have something to give without feeling drained. 


I have learned not to make expectations of people and how I think they should act or especially how I thought an experience should have turned out. It has caused a lot of heartache for me. I am learning to take things and people as they come and love them as they are.

Break a Sweat

I take care of myself by exercising. It helps clear my mind by focusing that short time just on me.

Not OK? It’s OK

I block 30 minutes of each morning to exercise and meditate. I also take 15 minutes every morning at work and go for a walk to move and clear my mind. I also say no to any commitments or obligations if I am overwhelmed at the time. It’s okay not to be okay. Realize you are perfectly imperfect and you are entitled to your emotions. I also enjoy yummy Cast Iron dinners with my love to treat ourselves! These steps have helped me tremendously over the past two years! 

Stitching It Together

Quilting. I love the whole process from finding the perfect fabric or kit at the store, to preparing and cutting it out, to putting pieces together, ironing and adding more pieces and watching it come together. Then bring it to fruition with the perfect backing and batting. Long-arm quilting is very therapeutic and mesmerizing. Then, finally adding the binding to see the completed project.

Finding Communion

Know when to reach out--to a friend, family member, ecclesiastical leader or healthcare professional. We aren't meant to go through this life alone and there are people in our lives that want to see us succeed. Also, lots and lots of chocolate.

Click here to read more of the February issue of Idaho Falls Magazine.


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