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TAM Features Eagle Rock Art Guild's Permanent Collection in Celebration of the Guild's 75th Anniversary

TAM Features Eagle Rock Art Guild's Permanent Collection in Celebration of the Guild's 75th Anniversary

Published online: Jun 12, 2023 Arts & Culture
Viewed 1913 time(s)
Web Exclusive

The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho (TAM) is honored to feature the Eagle Rock Art  Guild’s Permanent Collection in celebration of the Guild's 75th anniversary through August 12, 2023.  As the oldest art guild in Idaho, the organization has nurtured the development of generations of eastern  Idaho artists and the vibrant arts community enjoyed throughout the region today.  

The Guild’s Collection presently consists of more than 60 original pieces featuring work by founding  members Helen Aupperle, Fred Ochi, Ina Oyler and Suzanne Fonnesbeck. It also includes work by  generations of beloved Idaho artists who have continued to foster the artistic legacy of the Guild as  well as renowned American and European artists who came and taught locally at the Guild’s invitation.

"We are so grateful for the tremendous contributions to the arts the Guild has made in our community  over the years. Their artistic legacy throughout eastern Idaho cannot be overstated, and we, at TAM,  are delighted to join in paying homage to this pioneering organization," says TAM executive director,  Miyai Abe Griggs.

In addition to the exhibition at TAM, the art museum will also be joining in this year's Guild celebrations by providing youth art activities at the annual Sidewalk Art Festival July 22 – 23. The festival, a cherished  Idaho Falls tradition now in its 68th year, is back on the Snake River Greenbelt in 2023. Artist  applications are currently being accepted through June 30, 2023 at

300 South Capital Avenue ▪ Idaho Falls, ID 83402 ▪ (p) 208.524.7777 ▪

Also featuring in the Corridor & Studio Galleries . . .

May 4 – June 24

The Art of Kathleen Whitaker

Idaho Watercolor Society Group Show

June 27 – August 12

The Art of Melissa Reche 

Gallery 12

About The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho (TAM)

The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho (TAM) operates in the public trust as a museum of service and as a  regional leader in the visual arts. TAM promotes the power of the arts to educate, inspire and empower the  lives of individuals of all ages and abilities in eastern Idaho. To ensure the arts are an integral part of living  for the youngest to the oldest citizen, TAM showcases rotating art exhibits, acquires and displays artwork– particularly works by Idaho artists–and provides extensive art educational opportunities.

TAM is located on the river at 300 South Capital Avenue in Idaho Falls. For more information,  please call 208.524.7777 or visit 

TAM Hours

Tuesday – Friday • 10 am – 5 pm

Saturdays • 10 am – 4 pm


$4 for adults

$3 for seniors (65+)

$2 for youth (6 - 18 yrs.) 

$2 for students (with ID)

$10 family

FREE for children (5 and under)  FREE for TAM Members


First Saturdays: Free to all

First Tuesdays: Free for seniors (65+)

TAM's 2023 – 2024 Season Sponsors Anne Voillequé and Louise Nelson Idaho Commission on the Arts 

National Endowment for the Arts Idaho Environmental Coalition


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